I'm Oliver Holroyd

Full Stack Developer


I expanded my knowledge in coding languages by joining CodeNation on 21st January.
I have since expanded my exciting knowledge in CSS, HTML and Javascript.
Even expanding further with libraries and frameworks.
These include but are not limited to everything noted below...


Working with HTML, CSS and Javascript to make Websites, Games and Applications.


Diving feet first in mongoDB using Express.js as middleware to build functional database systems.


Though only using CSS the majority of the time. I have a chance to pick up old skills and even new ones.

Featured Projects

Dice Game Project

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Building a Pig Dice Game in Vanilla Javascript.

Try it out

Weather App

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • API/json data
  • Express.js

Weather App made with Node.js and Express.js using the DarkSky API and GeoLocation data.

Try it out

React.js Calculator

  • React.js
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • State Changes
  • Node.js

Calculator build in React using classes, props and functions.

Try it out


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

A simple but fun Whack'Em Vanilla Javascript game with sounds that change ever time the target is hit.

Try it out

Other Projects

KeyCode Generator

Interactive Drumkit

React.js To-Do-List

CyberPET Codepen

Cash Machine Codepen

Coffee App - Json

More coming...